Sorry, we cannot guarantee you will receive your prints by Christmas.

File Formats

We currently accept the following file formats and versions. This list is subject to change. Please note, only JPEG images under 4000 pixels in either direction will show a preview when ordering online.

We prefer images be sent as RGB. CMYK is OK, we can convert to our profile.

.jpg JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Generally, this is the prefered format for sending files to us via the internet. We recommend a compression of no more than 40% (In Photoshop, 8 - 12).
The file types below cannot be used with our ordering system.
Please contact us for the FTP password for uploading and ordering.
.tif TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). This is the preferred format if available for submission through CD or DVD. They can be compressed, to save transmission times over the internet. We recommend LZW or ZIP compression. 8 or 16 bit.
.psd Photoshop CS, remember that we may not have your fonts!
.pdf We will be printing this through Photoshop CS. The images should be set to the size and quality you want. Minimum of 150 DPI in graphics, if using fonts, convert all text to outline.
.eps Illustrator CS, convert all text to outline. Include embedded raster images.
.ai Illustrator CS, convert all text to outline. Include embedded raster images.
.nef or RAW Camera Raw, we can provide more information for you about raw file formats and cameras if you contact us. Note that when uploading a raw image through our online ordering system, you will not see a preview.
Note: We are currently on Adobe CS 6.